Heartfulness, Mindfreeness
& Mindfulness



Only with a strong and structured foundation can we surrender our hearts to meditation.


The Full Heart


It is a process through which the student learns to connect with the core of their being so that all their decisions are aligned with their soul’s purpose.

There is a great danger for the beginner of meditation who has not yet acquired wisdom about their own thoughts and who will unconsciously tend to manipulate, in favor of their ego, the information that comes into their mind through the meditation process. The result is a false illusion of enlightenment that can often even generate some kind of arrogance in those who meditate without such awareness.

Heartfulness is a process of total intimacy with our Being to finally be able to see all our pains and sufferings with extreme truth and compassion. And in the process, we develop skills to heal every forgotten and locked pain in our memories, to smile back to life with total serenity.

In Heartfulness, the illusions of ego desire give way to the true will of Being. In this way, with a full heart, the student can finally identify the differences between the answers that are created by the mind and the answers that are born through Universal Love.


The Free Mind


Generally speaking, most personal conflicts are caused by differing views with the people around us. That is, when there is no harmony in relationships, the mind can get into a very complex process of stress and anxiety.

Mindfreeness are self-investigation strategies designed to help the PEM student identify the thought patterns that may be causing the suffering in relation to the other’s perception. And from the identification of these patterns, the student, with better-organized thinking, will be able to interact more harmoniously with the others. The result for meditation is a calmer mind with fewer conflicts.

Therefore, one can notice that the silence so many people talk about in meditation should not be understood as the absence of thoughts, but as the mind free of worries, fears, stress, anxieties, and many other feelings that may be taking away the student’s peace.


The Full Attention


This is when the mind reaches a process of full attention on absolutely everything one does. In this state, the brain can more consciously record everyday events, which are often ignored by the mind operating in automatic mode. Mindfulness also teaches us to be more aware of the inner universe (our emotions) and the outer world (the others’ perception).

Mindfulness is like turning the mind into a high-resolution video camera, recording everything that happens, including our emotions, so that we can, while meditating, have full access to information life gives us every day that is ignored by the distracted mind. Mindfulness boosts our learning process by decades, and consequently, our understanding of life.

But for Mindfulness to fully happen, the mind must develop Mindfreeness and Heartfulness in parallel. Because we only perceive life when we feel loved. Therefore, Mindfulness is to look at life with love, so that all criticism and judgment must be dispersed.

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